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Source - Helix Valve Kit

Exclusive Helix design delivers high performance with minimal bite pressure. New QMT valve tip, offers the convenience of disconnecting the valve so the tube can be easily woven through tight openings. Helix Valve is compatible with Quick Mate Technology (QMT) such as UTA and other Source accessories.

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99,00  DKK
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Delivery time:
1-2 weeks (international)



  • Cylindrical shape requires no special mouth orientation.
  • Bite valve - Unique mechanism delivers full flow with just a soft bite.
  • Retreat spring mechanism - Will not leak even under pressure or with prolonged use.
  • Build-in bayonet style shut off.
  • Omni directional operation.
  • Integral lock - Integrated twist shut-off.
  • Long wearing design.
  • Dirt Shield™ – Valve cover
  • Angled valve


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  • 2021 Gear Up Tactical ApS
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