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Leatherman - Raptor Shears

Foldable medical shears with an oxygen tank wrench, strap and ring cutters and a carbide glass breaker. Holster included.


  • PRODUCT TYPE Multi-Tool
  • CLOSED LENGTH 5 in | 12.7 cm
  • WEIGHT 5.8 oz | 164 g
  • SHEAR LENGTH 1.9 in | 4.8 cm
  • BRAND Leatherman
  • MATERIALS 420HC Stainless Steel, Glass-filled Nylon, Carbide
  • HOLSTERS M.O.L.L.E. or Utility
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Price by 1 
799,00  DKK
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Delivery time:
1-2 weeks (international)


The Leatherman Raptor shears features the necessary tools for uniformed medical professionals to safely and quickly go to work in an emergency situation. Developed with the input of special operations medics, EMTs and fire professionals familiar with standard medical shears, the Raptor shears were crafted with just the right balance of multipurpose features for medical-specific ops without an overkill of tools to complicate sometimes life-threatening situations. When it's a question of survival, the Raptor answers loud and clear. Holster included. Commonly used as: medical shears, trauma shears, industrial shears, fabric shears, kitchen shears, garden shears.

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  • 2021 Gear Up Tactical ApS
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